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Y.X. Guo, MD
Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Shenzhen Center
Shenzhen, Guangdong
Results: Since June 2023, a total of 16 patients have received SFRT, 11 cases received SCART radiotherapy and 5 patients received lattice radiotherapy, including 13 males and 3 females, median age 60 years. Twelve patients had multiple metastases and four had single metastatic lesion. The median maximum diameter and volume of tumors were 10.5cm and 264.75cc, respectively. Apart from three patients on treatment, one died with progression and one interrupted because of persistent fever, there were 8 patients(72.7%) with imaging done within six months after SFRT. Of the 8 patients, partial response was confirmed in five(62.5%) and three(37.5%) showed stable disease, representing a response rate of 100%. Moreover, there were no adverse events of CTCAE Grade 2 or higher, with 3 cases Grade 1 increased levels of transaminase.
Conclusion: SFRT is an effective and safety salvage treatment strategy for advanced and refractory patients. With the application of multimodal imaging and artificial intelligence (radiomics and radiogenomics), it is a promising choice for radiation oncologist. Further investigation and cohort control study are warranted.