Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Lawrence, NY
Learning Objectives:
Work with their surgical colleagues to optimize axillary surgery with ILR, in cases where it is available. This may include both educating surgical colleagues and working to identify suitable patients that would benefit most from ILR procedures.
For those patients with full dissections, ROs will learn which axillary nodal levels need full coverage and which can be more lightly treated. ROs will develop a working sense of how to assess this using multifactorial features of the patient; number of nodes positive, presence of ECE, age, performance status, and use of chemotherapy.
ROs will learn how to build a multidisciplinary partnership with surgical and medical oncology colleagues, PTs, and patient navigators to ensure no patient at high risk for BCRL/UED is not counseled and given the tools to best prevent these side effects from developing.