University of Cape Town
Cape Town, Western Cape
Jeannette Parkes
MBBCh FC Rad Onc(SA)
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Jeannette Parkes is divisional Head of Radiation Oncology at Groote Schuur Hospital and the University of Cape Town in South Africa since 2016. Her clinical portfolio includes management of CNS tumours, bone and soft tissue tumours and paediatric radiotherapy. Her research interests include global radiotherapy, paediatric radiotherapy, and use of artificial intelligence for radiotherapy.
She is president of the College of Radiation Oncology of South Africa and clinical director of the Access to Care(Cape Town) programme. This education programme includes 2D-3D radiotherapy, Introduction to advanced techniques, paediatric radiotherapy) She is co-convenor of the annual Paediatric Brain Tumour Workshop at the University of Cape Town.
Intrnationally, she recently stepped down as LMIC representative on the executive committee of the Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society(PROS), and working group leader of SIOP Global Health network’s PROS LMIC working group. She is the radiotherapy representative on SIOP Africa’s executive committee, as well as SNOSSA(Society of neuro-oncology in Sub-Saharan Africa) executive committee.
She has contributed to WHO working groups for the technical package associated with the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer(GICC) and to international adapted treatment guidelines for treatment of Paediatric cancer. She is co-editor of the IAEA guideline for paediatric radiation oncology, and is chairperson of the ARIA AMG(adapted management guideline) steering committee. She is on several journal editorial committees.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
4:59 PM – 5:11 PM ET