AMA PRA Category 1 Credits 2.00
CAMPEP Credits: 2.00
MDCB Credits: 2.00
Sandra Demaria, MD
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, NY, United States
Participants at this session will learn the rationale for combining radiation therapy with different types of immunotherapy, as well as the factors that need to be considered as they may affect the efficacy of the treatment, including the radiation dose and field, and sequencing of radiation with immunotherapy. Attendees will gain an understanding of the current status of knowledge of the mechanisms of action of combinations of immunotherapeutic agents and radiation that can inform treatment decisions. Examples of specific clinical situations and clinical cases will be discussed.
Speaker: Sandra Demaria, MD – Weill Cornell Medical College
Speaker: Zachary Morris, MD, PhD – University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
Speaker: Jonathan Schoenfeld, MD – Brigham and Women's Hospital
Speaker: James Welsh, MD – MD Anderson Cancer Center
Speaker: Kristina Young, MD, PhD – The Oregon Clinic Radiation Oncology
Speaker: Encouse Golden, MD, PhD – Weill Cornell Medical College
Speaker: Sandra Demaria, MD – Weill Cornell Medical College