Radiation and Cancer Physics
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits 1.00
CAMPEP Credits: 1.00
MDCB Credits: 1.00
Rojano Kashani, PhD
University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center
Cleveland, OH
The recent increase in clinical implementation of online plan adaptation has highlighted the need for onboard volumetric images of sufficient quality for target definition and dose calculation, pushing the manufacturers of radiotherapy systems, as well as clinicians and researchers, to develop techniques to either acquire or synthetically produce images that are of similar quality to those of simulation CT scans. This has enabled workflows that not only allow for online adaptation of existing plans, but also the utilization of these workflows and images, for sim-free treatments of palliative patients, with plans that go beyond simple beam geometries and monitor unit calculations in water. This session will provide an overview of different sim-free workflows utilizing diagnostic CT, MR, as well as on-board CBCT for planning, discuss the current state of sim-free workflows available clinically, the types and quality of images available on standard and specialized linacs, and well as future direction for utilization of these techniques clinically.
Speaker: Rojano Kashani, PhD – University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center
Speaker: Joshua Schiff, MD – University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
Speaker: Alex Price, PhD, MS – University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Speaker: Mu-Han Lin, PhD – UT Southwestern Medical Center
Speaker: Rojano Kashani, PhD – University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center