Pediatric Cancer
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits 1.00
CAMPEP Credits: 1.00
MDCB Credits: 1.00
Stephanie Schaub, MD
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, United States
Oncologists are faced with challenging patient discussions in the curative and palliative setting, particularly when caring for the pediatric patient. In the curative setting, treatment may come at the cost of significant long-term treatment related side effects that can be life altering, and difficult for caregivers to comprehend. In the palliative setting, one tries to balance the benefit of treatment with the added logistics and emotional impact of treating a pediatric patient and the need to effectively communicate to maintain hope. The pediatric radiation oncologist often crosses between childrens hospitals and the more adult focused hospital where many of the treatment facilities exist, which can create a sense of isolation. The goal of this session is to provide resources and tools from a multi-disciplinary expert panel to elevate ones practice to improve physical and emotional sustainability to allow for growth of the pediatric provider.
Speaker: Stephanie Schaub, MD – University of Washington
Speaker: Abby Rosenberg, MD, MS – Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Speaker: Justin Baker, MD – Stanford University School of Medicine
Speaker: Natia Esiashvili, MD, FASTRO – Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
Speaker: Stephanie Schaub, MD – University of Washington