J. S. Jung1, Y. Cao1, N. Coupey1, L. Huang1, and J. Chang1,2; 1Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, NY, 2Physics and Astronomy, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
Purpose/Objective(s):Thisstudyanalyzes dosimetric parameters for approximately 400 patients treated withintravenous brachytherapy (IVBT) for coronary artery disease at Northwell Health andaimstofind a link between radiation treatment and patientoutcome.Materials/
Methods: Atotal of 408 treatments and 366patientswhounderwent IVBT forcoronaryarterydiseasebetween 2018 and 2023 were included in the study. The treatment parameters such as lesionsize, location, treatment length, treatment dose and source strength,wereanalyzed. The outcome data were collected from patient follow up records. The negative outcomesweredefinedastheneedforretreatmentor cardiac event from the same vesselafteroneormore IVBT treatments. Results: Frequencyanalysisrevealsdistinctdistributionpatternsintreatmentallocationacrossdifferentarteriallocations. The Right Coronary Artery (RCA) arteryemergesasthemostfrequentlytreated, accountingfor33% of cases, whiletheLeftAscendingArtery(LAD) and Circumflexarterycollectivelyconstitute46% of treatments. Analysis of the number of patient who returned for retreatment to the same vesseldemonstratesthatapproximately 10% of patientstreatedwith IVBT returnedforretreatmentwithinsixmonths of theirinitialprocedure. Out of this 37 patients RCA was retreated the most was at 54%indicatingtheneedforfurtherinvestigationintotreatmenteffectiveness and recurrencerates for certain vessels. Conclusion: Thisretrospective study showed that there were 10% local failures after IVBT treatment.The lack of details of the lesions such as conditions of the vessel wall, the plaque thickness, and property of the existing stentmakes it difficult to conclude if dosimetric missescontributed to the outcome. The findingshighlightthenecessityforongoingevaluation and refinement of treatmentprotocolstooptimizepatientoutcomes and minimizetheneedforrepeatinterventions. Future researchwillfocusonanalyzingpatientfollow-updatatoenhanceourunderstanding of long-termtreatmentefficacy and patientprognosisincardiovascular medicine.