S. Ndarukwa1, and C. I. Dickie2; 1International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2Departments of Medical Biophysics and Radiation Oncology, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
Purpose/Objective(s): Radiation therapy (RT) is a key component in the comprehensive treatment of cancer.There is a growing awareness that RT delivery increasingly depends on well trained professionals in the clinical setting. However, a worldwide analysis of the availability of RTTs indicates a shortfall of these professionals in many countries. In addition, the rapid development and adoption of the competency and role-based education approach in healthcare disciplines, enabling the evolution in clinical practice, has led to changes in the frameworks of curricula. Responding to this need, the Division of Human Health of the IAEA has developed an international Framework for the Education of RTTs, which replaces the previously published Syllabus for the Education and Training of Radiation Therapists and Handbook for the Education of Radiation Therapists released in 2007 and 2014, respectively. The framework document will provide guidance to education professionals and administrators involved in the education and training of Radiation Therapists, to produce radiation therapy professionals who have the necessary scientific knowledge and are technically and clinically competent. The framework will also highlight to policymakers in Ministries of Health and Education the necessity for specific radiation therapy education in their respective countries, to improve cancer outcomes, and the need to increase the recognition of radiation therapists as expert cancer health professionals. Materials/
Methods: A consultancy meeting to develop the draft of the framework document was held in November 2022 at the IAEA Headquarters. This consisted of IAEA staff working with a group of experts from different regions, with experience not only in the education of radiation therapy students but in the development of competency-based curricula for training. This was followed by monthly online meetings to further develop and refine the document. A comprehensive review of the framework was conducted by a second group of external experts whose feedback was also incorporated to further evolve the framework. Results: The RTTs Framework for the Education of Radiation Therapists is based on an outcome-based education program with a focus on competency-based education, where the competences are framed through the lens of the role of RTTs. The role of practice education in the clinical environment, a fundamental component of the training and development of the key competences, is identified as well as the related assessment tools. Conclusion: The IAEA’s RTT education framework is an overarching global document to assist all Member States in curriculum development and reform. It lays the foundation for a global standard in the planning and implementation of education programs for radiation therapists. This framework document is designed to be used comprehensively to inform curricula developed in any country