Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY
A. Dreyfuss1, B. Fregonese2, H. G. Hubbeling3, S. Mailankody4, S. Usmani5, J. Yahalom2, and B. S. Imber1; 1Department of Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, 2Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, 3Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 4Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, 5Hematology, Medical Oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Purpose/Objective(s): Chimeric antigen T cell receptor therapy (CART) offers impressive response rates in MM. However, a significant proportion of patients still relapse or remain refractory. Here we characterize failure patterns after CART for r/r MM, using positron emission tomography computed tomography (PET) to identify high risk lesions that may benefit from pre-CART addition of local RT. Materials/
Methods: We analyzed 71 MM patients treated between 2017-2022 with BCMA-directed CART (38 experimental, 33 commercial products). All had pre- and post-CART PET. 529 FDG-avid lesions on pre-apheresis (if received bridging therapy) or pre-lymphodepleting chemotherapy (if no bridging) PET and 321 lesions on post-CART PET at time of first failure were categorized, with failure defined as radiologic and/or serologic progression according to Lugano and International Myeloma Working Group criteria, respectively. At the patient level we classified disease as either bony (B), extramedullary (EM) / paramedullary (PM), or mixed B and EM/PM. Individual lesions were classified as B, EM, or PM. Lesions were also classified as progressive, stable, or new at pre-CART PET according to SUV change from preceding PET. Failure of a lesion present on pre-CART PET was defined as progression involving the same anatomic structure within 3 cm of initial lesion. Pearson’s X2 test was used to compare pre- and post-CART PET. Results: Pre-CART PET occurred at a median of 1.4 months (range, 0.2-8.5) prior to CART, with 27 (39%) patients receiving systemic bridging, 10 (14%) RT +/- systemic, and 32 (46%) none. Median number of PET avid sites pre-CART was 6 (0-9) per patient. Of the 71 patients, 34 (53%) had mixed B and EM/PM, 24 (37%) B only, and 6 (10%) EM/PM only; 7 (10%) had no identifiable lesions. Of the 529 lesions identified on pre-CART PET, 351 (66%) were B, 131 (25%) EM, and 47 (9%) PM. 61 (86%) patients progressed post-CART, 28 (46%) of whom had first failure in new and pre-existing sites, 17 (20%) in new sites only, 6 (10%) in pre-existing sites only, and 10 (16%) serologically only. At the lesion level, 101/321 (31%) failures occurred in lesions identified on pre-CART PET. At time of failure, EM (44% vs 25%) and PM (12% vs 9%) lesions were present in increasing proportion compared to pre-CART (p<0.001). Of the initial 529 lesions, failure occurred in 44/131 (34%) EM sites, 16/47 (34%) PM sites, and 41/351 (12%) B sites (p<0.001). Lesions progressing at time of pre-CART PET failed more frequently (41/143, 29%) than those that were stable (20/130, 15%) or new (24/175, 14%) (p=0.002). Conclusion: EM and PM sites progressed locally at higher rates than B sites, as did lesions progressing pre-CART. These data suggest higher risk lesion characteristics for which targeted RT ablation or cytoreduction may be beneficial. Further analysis could inform a novel approach of integrating selective site RT pre-CART as a bridging intervention.