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Oi Wai Chau, PhD
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine
Rochester, MN
LV functional matrices were quantified from MR cine images and late gadolinium images acquired simultaneously during PET imaging. Circulating biomarker measurements of high-sensitivity troponin T, C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were also compared at each timepoint.
Results: A significant increase of 18FDG/PET myocardial uptake (meanSUVbw) in LAD segments (p = 0.04, 0.14, 10%.) was detected at 1-month follow-up in 8 of 11 patients up. However, in only 5 of 10 patients increased uptake was observed in LAD segments at 1-year follow-up compared to 1-month (mean of 0.1) and 4 of 8 had an increase at 1-year compared to baseline (mean increase of 0.2). However, it was insignificant (p = 0.96). A significant reduction of LV stroke volume (p < 0.03, < -7%) was identified both at 1-month and 1-year follow-up. No significant changes in any biomarkers were seen at both follow-up timepoints. No abnormal enhancement from late gadolinium MR images was observed across patients at 1-year timepoint.
Conclusion: 18FDG/PET-MRI can simultaneously detect cardiac inflammation, functional response changes, and LV stroke volume changes in left-sided breast cancer patients as early as 1-month post radiotherapy, which, in some patients, persists out to one year. Clinical outcomes must be tracked to determine the predictive value of these biomarkers