D. Pham1, L. Vitzthum1, N. Kovalchuk1, B. Han1, A. L. Chin2, B. W. Loo Jr1, and M. Surucu1; 1Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
Purpose/Objective(s): BgRT was approved for clinical use and a medical technology company was commissioned for SCINTIX BgRT at our institution. These abstract aims to evaluate the congruence of the measured PET signal during BgRT and the delivered doses for the first two patients treated with BgRT to their lung tumors. Materials/
Methods: Biology-guided Radiotherapy (BgRT) uses PET emissions from the patient to guide the radiotherapy beam to tumor. During delivery of BgRT, while the PET emissions are collected, they are converted into beamlets and delivered to the patient. At the end of this process, a PET image is reconstructed and the delivered dose is calculated for that fraction. Two patients were treated with SCINTIX™ BgRT at our institution, each receiving 50 Gy/4 fractions to their lung tumors. The GTV is contoured in end-expiration phase of the simulation 4DCT and a 5 mm margin was added to generate PTV. The tumor motion extent was captured using the ITV and a 10 mm margin was added to ITV to generate Biological Tracking Zone (BTZ). For each fraction, the mean PET intensity in GTV was measured and used to threshold the signal to find the centroid of PET biodistribution. The 80% isodose line, corresponding to 10 Gy, was converted to a volume and used to estimate the centroid of the delivered doses. The distance between the PET and 80% dose centroids were used to estimate the congruence of the PET signal and delivered BgRT doses for each fraction. For comparison, the BgRT plans were calculated with a grid size of 2.1 mm, and the PET image acquired had a grid size of 4 mm. Results: Both patients were able to complete their course of treatment successfully. For Patient 1, the PET modeling mean PET signal in GTV was 19.5 kBq/ml and it was 22.0, 21.1 18.7 and 18.6 for the 4 fractions. Patient 2 had a PET modeling mean intensity of 18.8 kBq/ml and during the treatments it was 21.0, 14.3, 17.9 and 12.4. A total of eight post-treatment delivered dose volumes were calculated using the fluence patterns delivered by the X1. The mean congruence of the PET and delivered doses for Patient 1 was 0.5, 2.0, 0.6 and 1.8 mm whereas the Patient 2 had the delivered doses agree with 1.3, 0.8, 2.7 and 1.4 mm for 4 fractions. From 8 fractions analyzed, the maximum disagreement was 1.0, 2.4 and 1.7 mm in the L/R, A/P and S/I directions. Conclusion: The BgRT doses agreed well with the isocenter of the PET, confirming that the medical technology company system delivered doses for both patients where the PET signal was emanating from. Given the pixel size of the dose calculation (2.1 mm) and the PET pixel size (4.0 mm), the measured agreement provide assurance for the geometric accuracy of BgRT delivery in patients.