A. A. Yorke1, M. Nyflot1, S. Apisarnthanarax1, P. A. Sponseller2, and S. R. Bowen1; 1Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Washington/ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, 2University of Washington School of Medicine, Fred Hutch Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seattle, WA
Purpose/Objective(s):Functional liver avoidance planning has the potential to mitigate radiation-inducedhepatotoxicityfor patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), butit is unclear if all patients benefit from this approach. We assessed theutilityof functional liver avoidance planning to meet clinical constraints and reduce dose to functioning liver tissue.Materials/
Methods: Twenty patients (52-83 years, 6/20 female) with varying degrees of liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh scores A5-B9) underwent [99mTc]sulfur colloid SPECT/CT imaging with generation of functional liver volumes (FLV) at 30%max thresholds, and FLV were co-registered ontoplanning CT scans.Half of patients received prior liver directed therapy (LDT).VMAT-SBRT (5 fx, 5 CP-A, 5 CP-B/C)conventional plans were optimizedfollowing ASTRO consensus guidelines and those that did not meet published functional liver dose constraints (FLV mean, FLV V20)were re-optimized for functional liver avoidanceand scaled to the same target dose coverage.Scanning proton beam therapy (PBT) plans were similarly generated forhypofractionated regimens (15 fx, 5 CP-A, 5 CP-B/C).We characterized the associations between clinical characteristics and the probability of FLV re-optimization and correlations with FLV dose reduction. Results: CP-A SBRTconventional plans met all clinical and functional liver dose constraints, while 40% of CP-A PBTplans, 40% of CP-B/C SBRT plans, and 80% of CP-B/C PBTplans required re-optimization for FLV dose constraints. Relative to conventional plans,FLV replans reduced theFLV mean dose and FLV V20 by a median of 13% (2%-30%) and median of 4% (1%-10%), respectively.Increasinglikelihood of prior LDTcorrelated with a decrease inFLV re-optimization frequency (Spearman R -0.95, p=0.05). This is reflected in CP-A SBRT patientsrequiring fewer functional liver avoidance replans (80% prior LDT, 0% FLV replans)compared to CP-B/C PBT patients (10% prior LDT, 80% FLV replans). Furthermore, SBRT patients had significantly smaller tumor volumes than PBT patients (12cc vs. 65cc, p=0.03). Conclusion: We have investigated the clinical utility of functional tissue avoidance in different groups of patients with HCC as a planning strategy to preserve liver function and mitigate hepatoxicity. CP-A SBRT patients with smaller tumors were least likely to require functional avoidance planning, whereasCP-B/C patients receiving PBT were most likely to benefit. This may be linked to cirrhotic liver spatial heterogeneity, tumorsize, and strict dose constraints to mitigate high risk of hepatotoxicity.Selective functional avoidance planningis effective at reducing functional liver doses and should be considered in future clinical trial designs.